Healthy, High Calorie Foods For Weight Gain

Who's sexier - Jennifer Lopez or Olive Oyl from the old Popeye cartoons? Most people would emphatically reply, "J-Lo!" Some of us are naturally endomorphs, and have difficulty losing weight. At the other end of the spectrum are ectomorphs, who are thin and actually have trouble gaining weight. Being skinny can be emotionally difficult. That may be hard to believe, especially for women, given our current "thin-is-in" culture of beauty. Others who may want to gain weight include body builders and those who are overcoming eating disorders.

The idea behind gaining weight is not to become obese of course - so fast food is definitely out of the question. That's because obesity is accompanied by serious health risks such as heart disease and diabetes. Rather, people who want to gain weight need healthy high-calorie foods for weight gain. The healthy way to gain weight naturally is with high-protein foods - which will also build attractive, lean muscle.


The three primary nutrients for the human body are protein, which supplies amino acids; fats, which supply fatty acids; and carbohydrates, which supply glucose. These three primary nutrients are also the foods to gain weight with! Here's a snapshot of how to optimize your diet with healthy high-calorie foods for weight gain.

Healthy, High Calorie Foods For Weight Gain

Protein should be the building block of every meal and snack. Protein builds lean muscle. This does not mean fast-food burgers! Be sure that your protein sources are lean: chicken, fish, or vegetarian alternatives such as beans and tofu. Red meat and dairy products are not generally recommended because they're high in saturated fat. However, there are healthy ways to eat red meat and dairy products, which we'll discuss shortly. Your serving of protein should be the largest portion on your plate. Lean protein snacks include hummus, nuts, low-fat cheese and yogurt.

Enjoy hearty whole-grain carbohydrates. This does not mean white, highly processed carbs such as potato chips, white bread and bagels! Think brown. Whole-grain carbs include items such as multi-grain crackers, whole wheat bread and basmati rice. People who are watching their weight avoid highly processed carbs and reduce their intake of whole-grain carbs to one or two servings per day. Since your goal is to gain weight, feel free to eat whole-grain carbohydrates with every meal. Seven-grain crackers dipped in hummus makes a hearty snack!

Eat at least five servings of fresh fruits and vegetables every day. You can boost your serving intake by also drinking 100 percent natural fruit juices. Also, be sure to add a fruit or vegetable to every meal. We could change that old saying "An apple a day keeps the doctor away" to "Five servings a day keeps sickness at bay!"

Enjoy healthy fats. Fats encourage nutrient absorption, facilitate nerve transmission, and maintain cell integrity. This does not mean eating greasy french fries! Not all fats are created equal. There are good fats and bad fats. The good guys are monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Monounsaturated fats lower LDL, or bad, cholesterol and they also increase HDL, or good cholesterol. Tasty examples are nut, canola and olive oils. Polyunsaturated fats lower LDL and total cholesterol, too. Those healthy omega 3 fatty acids that you're always hearing about are polyunsaturated fats. Salmon, fish oil, and corn, soy, safflower and sunflower oils are high in polyunsaturated fats. Dip your whole-grain bread from a local baker in gourmet olive oil! Make a big, creamy batch of guacamole from hearty avocados--throw in some chunks of tomato and onion. These are delicious, healthy, high-calorie foods for weight gain! Avoid bad fats, as they instigate heart disease and certain types of cancer. The bad guys are saturated fats and trans fats. Saturated fats raise LDL and total cholesterol; they're found primarily in animal products, including meat, dairy and eggs. Trans fats come from hydrogenated oils. Scientists whip hydrogen into any type of oil, even originally healthy oils, to give processed foods a longer shelf life and a creamier "mouth feel." French fries and buns, stick margarine, vegetable shortening and countless packaged foods contain partially hydrogenated oils. Read the labels, and avoid them.

If you're going to eat animal products occasionally, protect your health by doing it the right way. If you want to enjoy some red meat and dairy products as part of your healthy plan to gain weight, here are some tricks to keep bad fats in check. Opt for meat and dairy products that come from grass-fed animals, preferably from local small family farmers in your area. Now, organic and grass-fed meat is available at most supermarkets. Not only are these products vastly superior in flavor, but also contain more good fats, especially omega 3 fatty acids, than bad fats. They also have conjugated lineolic acid, and are high in beta-carotene. These nutrients plummet in ordinary mass-produced meat and dairy products, because the animals are fed corn, which is less expensive and makes animals larger. You might also be shocked to learn that the animals are often fed truckloads of stale or ruined junk food such as snack cakes from bakery outlets because it's so cheap.

Another method you can use to supplement healthy foods to gain weight is by focusing on anaerobic exercise rather than aerobic exercise. Aerobic exercise is moderate activity performed over an extended period of time, such as running and bicycling. Aerobic exercise burns fat. However, if you're trying to gain weight, retain a little fat to sculpt into lean, attractive muscle, and turn to anaerobic exercise. Anaerobic exercise is high-intensity with short bursts of action, such as weight lifting, sprinting and jumping. Weight lifting is the perfect anaerobic exercise for someone who's trying to gain weight. Body builders use this type of anaerobic exercise to build muscle mass, and non-endurance sports athletes use it to build power. Weightlifting creates a hard body for men that women love, and it sculpts those curves on women that men appreciate! Once you attain your desired weight, you can supplement anaerobic exercise with aerobic exercise for overall cardiovascular health.

In addition to these diet tips, you can supplement your healthy diet with protein supplements. It is often difficult to eat enough protein each day, so supplementing with a soy or whey protein shake can help increase overall intake. Everyone who is too skinny wants to gain weight, look great, and build strength. Take the next step today, and enjoy the benefits of a fit, healthy body.

Healthy, High Calorie Foods For Weight Gain

Want to learn more about the role of Bodybuilding Supplements [] as part of a healthy weight gain program? Visit us at []

3 Must-Know Tips To Gain Weight Fast For Men

If you are tired of being skinny, it's time to apply these powerful tips to gain weight fast for men starting today. You are probably clueless on how to increase your body weight and you are confused about what you should do. If that's the case with you, this is the most important article you will read in a long time.

The tips I will share with you here are simple, but really effective and there's no doubt you will gain weight once you apply them.

\"Gain Weight Fast\"

Your doctor or nutritionist will not share this information with you - ever! Why? Keep reading...

3 Must-Know Tips To Gain Weight Fast For Men

I don't include all of them... But many doctors and nutritionists are not looking for your benefit. They are looking for their own benefit. In other words, they may not care if you ultimately gain weight or not; they just want you to come again and again to their office to prescript some medicines or pills that don't necessarily help you, but they make money doing it.

They know there are natural ways to gain weight fast for men, but if they share them with you they will miss the chance of making money from your visits.

Anyway, the information I will share with you right now is my own and I can assure you will succeed like I have succeeded myself.

Have you ever wondered why you are skinny?

You are not skinny because of your genetics or because your father is skinny...

You are skinny because of a very simple reason: you have a fast metabolism. I won't explain how your metabolism works and why it makes you stay skinny in this article. But...

The tips I will tell you right now have the purpose of reducing your metabolism allowing you to gain weight fast. So here it goes...

3 Must-Know Tips To Gain Weight Fast For Men

1. Reduce your meal frequency. If you are used to eat a lot of times per day, you have to reduce your meals down to 4 each day. Eating many times each day makes your metabolism fast. And you don't want that! You want to gain weight and for that to happen you need to slow down your metabolism. This tip along with the next will make a huge difference...

2. Eat high-calorie healthy foods. Many people that want to increase their body weight try to do so by eating lots of sweets, cookies, potato chips, and other non-healthy stuff. You need healthy foods that contain a high amount of calories. While salads are a good healthy choice, don't make them your main course. Salads are a good company for your meals, but you need to eat higher-calorie foods like rice, beans, poultry, seafood, bread, etc.

3. Eat a high amount of complex carbohydrates and proteins. These 2 nutrients slow down your metabolism due to the work your body requires to process them. It's a good thing to eat high amounts of these two nutrients on each meal. These will help to slow down your metabolism and you will gain weight fast.

Bonus Tip

4. Create a diet and be consistent with it. This is an extra tip for you, my friend. You should take notes of all the above 3 tips, sit down and create a diet with 4 meals per day, high-calorie healthy foods, and make sure each meal has a high amount of proteins and carbs. The most important thing is that you get consistent with your diet to obtain the best possible results in the least amount of time.

These tips to gain weight fast for men are very important. If you are serious about gaining weight, you should apply them starting right now.

There's no doubt that following these 4 tips to gain weight fast for men will help you increase your body weight very soon.

3 Must-Know Tips To Gain Weight Fast For Men

My name is Frankie Towers and I was very skinny too. I used to weigh 120 lbs, but thanks to my "secrets" I went up to 160 lbs in record time. I invite you to see the photos of my transformation and to discover how I achieved these results: Click Here Now!

Tips on How To Gain Weight Quickly

Tips on how to gain weight quickly are priceless to skinny people who struggle to put on some extra pounds. The world we live in is a contradictory one. There are folks who put on weight rather effortlessly and yearn to lose their weight and fats through unhealthy diets. Yet on the other end of the spectrum, thin people find it tremendously challenging to gain that extra few pounds to enhance their physical appearance and regain some masculine appeal in the case of men. Skinny ladies also dream of fitting nicely into beautiful clothes that look so fabulous on those svelte and voluptuous models. But do not envy those who put on weight too easily, especially those through unhealthy diets. It is better to understand the fundamentals behind healthy weight gain. This is where you can learn more on how to gain weight quickly and healthily.

Before we tackle the issue of how to gain weight quickly, let us look at the reasons why scrawny and thin people fail in gaining weight successfully no matter how hard they try. Survey statistics discovered the following as the top reasons why they are not putting on weight:

\"gain Weight\"

1. Poor Diet

Tips on How To Gain Weight Quickly

Skinny people are not eating right and enough. By that, it means that they are not eating foods that would help them to gain weight. Protein is critical in adding extra weight but many folks do not get enough protein intake. This is where things go awry. So how can they expect to gain weight quickly or for that matter, any significant weight improvement at all? It is important to load more on protein, and less on simple carbs. Read on for specific weight-gain diet foods.

2. Proper Work-out

Eating is not sufficient. We all need to engage in some kinds of physical activities to convert our food intake to healthy mass. This conversion can take place only with proper exercises. People who truly understand how to gain weight quickly do so in a healthy manner with proportionate muscle mass gain.

3. Poor Motivation

Weight gaining or slimming works in a similar manner. Medical practitioners have come to understand that the motivation behind the individual wanting to gain weight is vital to his/her success. Our generation is often called the "instant noodles" generation where everyone desires instant results. Weight gaining is not an overnight mission, but a long-term goal. Failing to understand this is a sure ingredient for weight gain failure.

Once we are able to acknowledge and work around the common grounds for failure, we are well on our way to successful quick weight gain. Are you ready for some easy-to-follow tips on how to gain weight quickly?

1. Weight Gain Diet Foods 101

I mentioned earlier that eating the right foods and eating enough of them is the key to weight gain. Foods such as fast food, chocolates and other junk food like chips won't do you any good. Any weight gain from such foods would do your health more harm than good.

Cultivate a habit of eating more than your daily energy and calorie needs. First, find out what is your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) which equates your daily calorie need/count to maintain your weight at its current level. Next, start planning your weekly dietary plans to increase your weekly intake by 3500 calories to achieve a weight gain of 1-2 pounds within a week. This translates to an additional 500 calories in your daily calorie intake.

Eat more protein-based food stuff such as beef and chicken. Drink more milk for it is a rich source of protein. Balance your meals with vegetables and nuts as well. Eat 5 or 6 small meals rather than 3 big meals to balance the calorie intake.

2. Weight Gain and Muscle Mass Building Routine

You need to tone up the extra weight you are adding to your bodies so that you don't end up obese. Depending on your preference for physical activities, the 2 kinds of activities recommended here would be useful in complementing with your weight gain diet.

Engage in moderate activities such as brisk walking, jogging or playing a sport for at least 30 minutes for 3-4 times per week. Try to inject some fun into your physical activity so that you would feel encouraged and motivated to cultivate this as a habit and eventually as part of your lifestyle.

Work out in the gym on some resistance training for at least 3 times per week. But before you do so, speak to a qualified physical training instructor who can advise on what exercise routine is suitable for you. If not, go to the library to read up on what are the work-out routines that are ideal for a person of your build and weight.

Knowing these simple tips on how to gain weight quickly should give you better knowledge than most people in the basic building blocks of gaining weight healthily. For more details about the ideal natural weight gain diet foods and more tips on how to gain weight and muscle mass simultaneously, visit my blog for further reading.

This article may be freely reprinted or distributed in its entirety in any ezine, newsletter, blog or website. The author's name, bio and website links must remain intact and be included with every reproduction.

Tips on How To Gain Weight Quickly

Davion is a successful webmaster and author. Find out more about natural and effective tips on how to gain weight and muscle mass quickly that have benefited many skinny people at his blog

Gain Weight Fast For Men - How To Gain Weight Fast If You're A Man

Have you been looking for a solid plan to gain weight fast for men? If you have, I'm sure you've noticed that much of the information out there treats the problem as one that is unisex, but that couldn't be further from the truth.

Common sense tells us that a mans body is different from that of a womans, right? So, it only makes sense that a mans body would be programmed to gain weight differently, and requires it's own process and routine.

\"gain Weight\"

One of the first things that you are going to want to do is to make a commitment to yourself that you are going to stick it out until you see the results you want. To gain weight fast for men, one of the first things that you are going to have to do is dedicate yourself to a routine that includes lifting actual weights. Not running on a treadmill or doing countless situps, but actually putting weights on a bar, and pumping some iron. By doing this, you will naturally gain muscle, which we all know weighs more than fat, right?

Gain Weight Fast For Men - How To Gain Weight Fast If You're A Man

The other thing that you are going to have to do is to stick to a somewhat regimented dietary routine. This should include eating things like steak and other red meat. If you're not a fan of meat, there are other alternatives, but for most men, eating a big steak every now and then is a treat, and shouldn't be a problem, especially if they are trying to successfully gain weight fast for men.

In order to truly pack on the pounds you will need to successfully integrate the way you exercise and the way you feed your body. If one correctly, you should start to see the weight gain in a very short period of time, and if you're lucky, the results will hit fast and furious. Once you see the results, you will instantly know that it's all been worth it, and your commitment will probably grow ten fold

Gain Weight Fast For Men - How To Gain Weight Fast If You're A Man

Here's the thing, you don't have to continue to be skinny! You can end the name calling and build confidence in the way you look just by doing what someone in your shoes has already done.

To see a proven blueprint on how a naturally thin person can make the changes they want and finally put on some weight, Click Here.

Foods To Eat To Gain Weight

Malnutrition has the same degree of problem as obesity. There are people who are too skinny, they find a hard time in gaining weight. Nutritionist and other health experts agree that it is on the food and activities that affects their not gaining weight. Food in particular makes a lot of difference. But aside from this genes and functional activities also adds up to the difference. However, whatever activities we might have and genes we got from our parents would be hard to deviate. We all know that being too skinny is not good in aesthetic and nutritional sense. Many people wonder how they can get the perfect body, not too fat and not too skinny. On this article you can see the ways that will help you improve your weight by changing your diet. These are the sets of food you can eat in order to gain weight.

Gaining weight can be predicted by analyzing your food habits. We can remember Dr. Jurgen Habermas, a German philosopher, says, "What you eat is what you become". In philosophical and psychological sense of course it means differently, however, nutritionally speaking this is true. We become what we eat. Foods affect our lives and our nutrition dynamically. If you eat until you are full up to the throat, it is not impossible that you get fat in few months. However, if the foods you are eating are not nutritious you most likely have a non-satisfactory result. So what are the foods we can eat in order to gain weight?

\"gain Weight\"

The Healthy Weight Gain

Foods To Eat To Gain Weight

This is consists of lean protein, veggies, fruits, less fat and small amount of carbohydrates. Protein helps you to build muscles and not fats, and veggies and fruits add water to the body and carbohydrates maintains the energy level you need for everyday activities; the effect, 30% who follows this diet gain weight in period of 1 month and also has a healthy heart and less fat. You can definitely gain weight without risking your health.

The Lifestyle Check

Most people want to add some spice in their life. This does not mean you eat Mexican or Thai foods but what this means are cocktails. Yes, alcohol and especially wine drinkers and party goers have a better chance of gaining weight. This is not because they get what they want on parties but the foods and most of the venues most likely convenient in developing high-calorie intake. Check the foods at the buffets. However, moderate eaters, have the best chance of gaining weight. This is because the calories are dissolved efficiently and if not used it adds up to your big tummy bank.

Fats and sweets are always responsible

Because of the sweets and fats gaining weight should never be a problem. But take note over-consumption of either food group would mean a health risk. This should not be abused it can lead into various diseases such as diabetes, heart failure and even kidney malfunctions. We should watch our health not only about gaining weight. It should be in a healthy way so we decrease the possibility of future problems.

Foods To Eat To Gain Weight

Gen Mason does cardio and works out everyday. Discover more about teen weight loss at Natural Weight Loss []

Hormonal Weight Gain - 5 Keys To Controlling Hormones and Weight Gain

Ladies, did you know that hormonal weight gain often ranging somewhere from 10 to 15 pounds on average is a very common side effect and symptom of menopause?

No doubt those women who have already begun to experience the beginning or early stages of menopause will agree with the reality of this slow shift in body weight as they watch (often in horror and frustration) their waistlines slowly thicken and increase in circumference without what seems any probable cause!


In fact both past and recent research studies that were carried out on the changes in the endocrine system and women's hormones during peri-menopause and menopause; in particular hormonal weight gain, estimates that at least 80% or more women will inevitably gain some excess poundage throughout their menopause years regardless of whether they change their calorie intake or not.

Hormonal Weight Gain - 5 Keys To Controlling Hormones and Weight Gain

Does this sound familiar to you in any way? Have you found yourself confused and frustrated with watching your waist circumference slowly increase in spite of not making any changes to your daily diet plan?

Just to be clear, this isn't a sudden change that just happens overnight, but rather a slow, progressive change in the distribution of your body weight and where body fat tends to plant itself.

Unfortunately, it seems that the stomach, the hips and the waistline tend to be the most favoured areas for extra body fat to be stored for most women, much to our dismay.

Calories taken in are not the culprits here either, so reducing your calorie intake has little effect in maintaining your hourglass figure of yesterday.

In fact, fad diets that endorse a near starvation calorie intake of less than 1,200 calories daily can actually exacerbate the problem and be dangerous to your health!

Rather, hormonal weight gain is a direct cause and the thickening effect that follows as a result of fluctuations and shifts in a woman's hormone levels - in essence, your hormones are to blame for that excess belly fat.

There's no question that hormones and weight gain are very intricately linked and there are actually four key hormones at play here, each having its own unique role in how and where your body stores body fat.

Diet and exercise are the first two main factors that can influence the state of your hormones.

Stress, sleep and nutritional supplementation are three important factors too and also play an important role in influencing the state of your hormones and maintaining a healthy body weight as well.

Knowing what NOT to do can be helpful too.

For example, cutting back or avoiding excessive caffeine, alcohol and other stimulants is also important.

Hormonal Weight Gain - 5 Keys To Controlling Hormones and Weight Gain

The good news for women is that many of these factors can be manipulated and changed in order to help you achieve optimal hormonal balance and avoid hormonal weight gain.

To learn more about your hormones and weight gain and how you can best put these 5 key factors into practice visit

What Should I Eat to Gain Weight Fast?

The most common answer that people would tell you when you ask them this question is, "Just eat more." You cannot simply just eat more because you need to know what to eat to gain weight fast without building up too much fat. If you are looking for a way to gain weight without building any fat, then you are out of luck. However, you can keep the same amount of body fat percentage as you are gaining weight.

Here is an example: Let's say you were 100 pounds with 10 pounds of fat. That is equivalent to 10% body fat. Now, let's say you are 200 pounds with 20 pounds of fat. That is still the same body fat percentage.

\"Gain Weight Fast\"

So what should you eat to gain weight fast?

What Should I Eat to Gain Weight Fast?

I am just going to give you a general idea of what your kitchen should have.

For carbs: oatmeal, brown rice, whole-wheat pasta/bread, lots of vegetables, and fruits.

For protein: egg whites, chicken breast, lean red meat, fish, fat-free milk.

For fat: fish, olive oil, nuts.

Does it feel like it is impossible for you to gain weight because you are eating a lot more than your friends, but you still can't even gain a pound of weight? First start off by eating 20 calories per pound of bodyweight. Then, if you do not see any weight gain in 2 weeks, then increase your calorie intake by 300-500. Repeat the process after 2 weeks if you see no change.

Make sure you spread your meals apart instead of eating thousands of calories in one sitting. If you eat way too much in one sitting, you will end up storing a lot of calories for fat storage.

Of course, you will have to exercise to build muscles otherwise any weight gain that you see will just be fat.

What Should I Eat to Gain Weight Fast?

Kai Lo is the blog owner of My Ex Girlfriend and Horde Leveling Guide [].

Ways To Gain Weight Naturally And Safely

There are many people who are looking for ways to gain weight. But gaining weight and keeping it on can be very difficult for some people. However, there are some things you can do to gain weight. One of the basic ideas you need to understand is that in order for you to gain weight, you need to increase your calorie intake and engage in physical activity to build muscle. This means that you need to take in more calories by eating more calorie rich foods. You should eat nourishing foods that will help you add muscle and body mass. One of the best ways to build muscle is to engage in some form of strength or resistance training.

1. Ways To Gain Weight: Set some realistic weight gain targets

\"gain Weight\"

Most people start a weight gain program without taking the time to think about how they are going to do it and what they expect to achieve from their program over a given period. Set yourself targets that are realistic and achievable and reward yourself every time you reach your target. Doing this is an excellent way to get started on your weight gain program.

Ways To Gain Weight Naturally And Safely

2. Ways To Gain Weight: Choose the healthy option

Design your weight gain program around a healthy diet with lots of fruit, vegetables, whole grains, fish and a variety of other healthy foods. Don't be tempted to stuff yourself with fast food diets because they may bring other problems such as higher blood cholesterol and heart disease. Eat regularly (i.e. eat three meals and three healthy snacks every day.) rather than just one big meal and some snacks throughout the day.

It's a good idea to set up a schedule for your meal times. Take lots of fruit juices, semi-skimmed milk and sports drinks but avoid non-caloric beverages such as diet soda, coffee or tea. Choose and eat foods that have lots of calories such as potatoes, corn and peas. Eat a wide variety of foods such as starchy food, vegetables, fruit and meat.

3. Ways To Gain Weight: Exercise to stay healthy

Although exercise can burn calories and make you lose weight, some light exercise such as walking can help your stay in shape and keep your bones strong and muscles toned. If you're a very active person, take some time to relax each day. Keep eating more food to fuel your light exercise but eat enough so that you can still gain weight. Regular exercise such as strength training will help your body gain muscle and not unwanted fat.

4. Ways To Gain Weight: Aim to gain weight slowly.

With gaining weight, slow is better than fast. So instead of eating junk foods and high-fat cookies and candies, expand your meals to include high calorie foods, fruit, vegetables, lean meat, whole grains and regular strength training exercises. Your diet should include foods that are higher in calories, minerals, and vitamins, as opposed to foods higher in fat, salt and sugar. There are many products that are being promoted for gaining weight. Watch out for 'quick fixes' because you'll end up being disappointed.

Ways To Gain Weight Naturally And Safely

Click Here [] to find out more about Weight Gain and what you need to eat and do to gain weight the natural way without supplements or drugs: []. Visit the main site to subscribe to Health Tips []. Copyright © 2007 Katie Johnson.

7 Tips on How to Gain Self Confidence

There are no secrets in this world. There are only things we do no know at this point in time. And when you DO know it, it's not a secret anymore. This leads me to tell you that there is only one way to truly gain self confidence. This is by a process. You must realize that gaining confidence has almost never happened overnight. Of course there are always exceptions to everything in this world. Learning how to gain self confidence is a process and I want to tell you 7 really great tips on how to gain self confidence.

Tip #1:


Don't care what other people think. I know you may think "How am I supposed to do that?". Well the fact is that you can't change what anybody else thinks. Imagine you are at a public gathering and you have really low self confidence at that point in time. You come home and you feel really bad because you thought you where judged by other people. Your best friend James, thought the same thing when he came home. Judith thought exactly the same thing. The point is, people care more about themselves than they care about you. So inevitably don't care what other people think of you. You are not put on this planet to please all. It's OK to fail, it's OK to be different, it's OK to do what you feel is right for you!

7 Tips on How to Gain Self Confidence

Tip #2:

Allow being judged. This is something that can be really hard, but guess what. In order to boost self confidence to great heights, you must be able to do things your way and be OK with other people disliking what you do. Again, almost everybody in the world judges people, I judge people for sure. If somebody tells me that I am something negative that I know I am. Let's say ugly, or fat... I can simply laugh it off and say, "So what, I can't change my genes and this is the way I am, do you have something else you want to judge me by, please get it off your chest?". See there is nothing a person can say to you that you can't counter in one way or another.

Tip #3:

Have really strong beliefs. The two tips above come down to one thing and that is having a strong self belief and solid ground in your confidence. There are many exercises you can take in order to really learn how to gain self confidence. You must get your beliefs in order first, otherwise you will always have a doubt in your mind somewhere. People are experts at destroying their own beliefs by having negative thoughts. STOP negative thoughts now.

Tip #4:

Writing your goals down on paper. People who fail will write their goals down once, look at them, put pen and paper down and then forget about it. People who have learnt how to gain self confidence proceed with their goals and never ever quit. I know this may sound harsh right now, but quitters remain quitters until they believe they can be winners. Be a winner.

Tip #5:

Be a winner. Even if you lose at one point in time be a winner. Even if somebody totally humiliates you, you are a winner. Why? Simply because everybody is a winner. Everybody is good at something. The reason you have low self confidence is because you have been programmed to believe something that isn't true... at all. Maybe people around you have told you that you are worthless or too stupid to do something. Guess what, you are not, you are a winner. You are a winner because you know that if you set your mind to do something you will obtain this goal. You have done it before, every single time. You just don't know it.

Tip #6:

Have extreme determination and faith. Know that if you have set your mind to do something you will obtain it. Maybe not tomorrow or the next day. Maybe not in 1 week or even 1 year. Learning how to gain self confidence takes time. Some people get over these negative thoughts and gain amazing self confidence in only 10 days. For some people the programming has taken much harder and it takes them 2 months. Maybe you are so deep into it that it takes 5 years? Even if it takes 5 years, when that day comes and you know when you are there, you will feel that 5 years was worth it.

Tip #7:

Patience. Learning how to gain self confidence is like fishing with a fishing rod, in a way. Let me explain. have you ever tried to fish with a fishing rod and you see something happen. You reel in to see if something happened. You find the fish has broke lose. You get pissed and throw it back in the water. This happens 5-10 times before you catch anything. In the mean time your friend is pulling up the fish every single time and he is laughing of joy. He is patient... he knows that when the fish bites, it takes a little bit of time before the hook is 100% attached. The point here is that, if something doesn't work for you, throw the rod back in and try again. When you want to give up the most, you know you are the closest!

7 Tips on How to Gain Self Confidence

Learning how to gain self confidence can be tough. Get some of the worlds foremost products that have helped people around the world for ages. These products literally saved my life from self confidence issues. Visit now!

Take a Tip From Football Players When Learning How to Gain Weight Fast

With the current college football and NFL seasons underway, you might consider taking a tip from these guys who are known for their strength and size. The suggestion is to establish a routine for yourself the night before your big weekly workout, much like football players do before the big game on Saturday or Sunday, if you want to gain weight fast.

In order to build up muscle fast, especially if you only have time to train once a week, then make the most of it by preparing for your workout the night before you go to the gym. Here are some weight gain tips which you can control the night before your workout:

  • Get at least 7 hours of sleep (or more if directed by your doctor). Do whatever you can to make sure that this is uninterrupted sleep. Since you will be lifting heavy weights, relative to what you can handle, then you want to be rested and focused in order to increase the chances that you will be safe throughout your workout
  • Set up a checklist for your gym bag and what you need for drinks, supplements, water, and post-workout meals. Review to make sure that you have everything you need, including music and extra batteries if necessary
  • Curtail your social life. If you plan to train on Saturday morning, for example, then make sure that you are home an in bed long before midnight on Friday night. If this means that you have to curtail your social life for one night in order to gain the muscle weight you desire then so be it!
  • Review what you plan to do the moment you walk into the gym. Take a few moments the night before to visualize yourself SAFELY lifting more weight and/or repetitions and doing so in a dominating manner. Know the weights you intend to use; and realize that you might make adjustments for safety concerns once you show up in the gym the next day.

\"Gain Weight Fast\"

Many football players will tell you that discipline the night before the big game makes the difference in their performances. Implementing these suggestions can help you have a better workout. Knowing what you intend to do the moment you walk in the gym, as well as being prepared and rested, will put you in the best possible situation to have a productive weight-gaining workout.

Take a Tip From Football Players When Learning How to Gain Weight Fast

Most football champions will tell you that their consistent preparation made a significant impact on their performances. Over time, your preparation and dedication will help you win the "championship" you set for yourself, such as an increase of 10 pounds of muscle, entering a powerlifting event, or simply gaining the confidence you want to gain with an improved physique.

Take a Tip From Football Players When Learning How to Gain Weight Fast

If you want to gain muscle weight fast, but are pressed for time with work and family obligations, then discover a solution! Learn how to work out for less than an hour a week, and get free reports to help you find out How To Gain Weigh Fast and Build Up Muscle.

How to Gain Weight Fast for Men

In a modern society filled with an ever growing number of obese people, we often neglect the skinny ones among us! And let's face it; being underweight can pose just as many health hazards as being overweight. From cancer, heart failure, and, wait for it, erectile dysfunction, being thin isn't all it's cracked up to be.

So whether it's for health reasons or to simply make yourself stronger and more attractive, how do you gain weight fast as a man, and more importantly, the right sort of weight? Well, that's what this article is all about. Here we'll give a good summary on the topic of how to gain weight fast for men, helping you to bulk up in no time. Here's what you need to know:

\"Gain Weight Fast\"

Set Realistic Expectations: First of all, you need to be clear on your definition of "fast". We all want immediate changes when it comes to our body, but unfortunately, it's the one thing where changes are never instant. Depending upon your current weight of course, it's perfectly possible to start gaining weight in the first few weeks of a committed diet and fitness regime, but expect the major physical changes at the 3 month + mark. And let's be honest, in the grand scheme of things, that's still pretty quick.

How to Gain Weight Fast for Men

Eat, Eat, Eat! The most important part of gaining weight is the food you put in your mouth. Period. You can pump all the iron you want, day in and day out, but with a poor diet you literally won't make any progress. You need to start eating a nutritionally balanced diet and in large quantities. Create a diet plan tailored to you by using a good book or speaking with a nutritionist, and work out specifically how much you need in relation to your current body weight in order to bulk up. A professional will be able to help you with these calculations. You'll likely start needing to eat much more than you're currently used to and will have better success by dividing your food into 5 or more meals per day, as opposed to 3 square meals.

Consider Using Supplements: On top of a well balanced diet, supplements can be a good addition to enhance your efforts. The fact is, real food should ideally be used instead of a supplement version where possible, but in some situations supplements are the best option. For example, protein shakes are widely used by men and women looking to build muscle, and they're often a better alternative to solid food to have just after you've done some form of workout. The various nutrients will be absorbed into your body quicker and get to your muscles when they need those nutrients most.

Do the Right Sort of Exercise: It's no secret that to gain weight - or induce any form of physical body change - exercise is the second major component along with diet. However, to gain weight, you need to make sure you're doing the right type of exercises. Resistance exercises should be your main focus, or in other words: weight training. Running and other forms of cardio will do little to add weight to your frame and in fact are likely to make you lose more weight! The last thing you want to do is start burning those excess calories you're trying so hard to consume! Hit the gym or get yourself some weights for your home and start pumping some iron!

Be Patient and Persistent: Finally, once you've nailed down the above components, all you can do is stick to it, be patient and ultimately, try and enjoy the process. Most people never see any success with a diet or fitness regime, whether they're trying to lose weight or gain weight, simply because they don't give it long enough to succeed. As mentioned at the start of this article, body transformation takes time.

Overall, hopefully this article has given you some pointers on how to gain weight fast as a man and given you a better idea of what to expect and the approach you need to take. The process isn't hard per se, but it does take a conscious effort and commitment on your part.

How to Gain Weight Fast for Men

To find out specifically how to gain weight fast for men, visit [] today. You'll learn more about the types of food you need to consume, how much of it, supplements that can help and the specific exercises for building muscle. Don't try and do it alone, get the help you need today by clicking here []!

Gain Confidence and Boost Self Esteem in 5 Simple Steps

We all want to become more confident and feel good about ourselves so we can live our very best life. Here are some ways to gain confidence and raise self-esteem:

1. Do something that requires a decision and a follow-through.


Have you been putting off writing that letter to aunt Martha? Is there a friend you've been meaning to call? Wash the car, tidy the garden or clean the house. You'll gain confidence by setting goals (even small ones) and following through on them.

Gain Confidence and Boost Self Esteem in 5 Simple Steps

2. Enjoy something you do well.

Do you have any hobbies or sports that you enjoy playing? Some things like going swimming, painting or writing can hold your attention and get you into a state of 'flow'. While you are in the flow you forget about everything else.

Afterwards, you'll feel competent and capable. It's a great way to boost your self-esteem. If you don't have any particular hobbies or pastimes that you enjoy make an effort to try something you've always wanted to try.

Picture yourself doing it, and then give it a try! It doesn't have to be something big - it can be as simple as joining a walking club.

You'll find that you are more centered and happier if you do something that puts you in that flow at least once a week.

3. Shift the focus.

It's been shown that low self-esteem develops hand-in-hand with individuals who put too much focus on themselves. You can gain confidence by doing something that focuses on someone else or even something else.

You'll find that when you are in a situation where you are meeting new people, you immediately become less nervous when you focus on the person you are meeting.

At the end of the day, you've interacted with others and will notice that you feel much lighter.

4. Relax, already!

Learning to become more relaxed is a great life enhancer. People who are more relaxed have fewer problems with their memories and are more likely to take the bumps in the road of life in stride.

The practice of meditation has gained popularity for this reason. You might want to look into Tai Chi, which involves physical relaxation techniques.

Whatever method you decide on, take relaxation seriously. The benefits are just too great to ignore. If you've never considered relaxation important, think of it this way: if you can attend to something that results in feeling good, how can you not gain confidence in your personal abilities?

5. Make a list of everything you've ever accomplished.

Think small. An accomplishment is an accomplishment! Some things you could put on your list: passed my driver's test and got my license, scored a goal when I played hockey, managed to save enough money to go on a trip and so on.

These are just a few ideas you can use to gain confidence and boost your self-esteem. Use these ideas as a base point and add these things permanently in your life.

Keep in mind, people are not born with good self-esteem, most of us have to work at it. It develops from your thinking and the things you do daily to make yourself feel good.

Gain Confidence and Boost Self Esteem in 5 Simple Steps

Peter Murphy is a peak performance expert. He recently produced a very popular free report: 10 Simple Steps to Developing Communication Confidence. Apply now because it is available only at: confidence building

Foods to Gain Weight and Build Muscle

While many people are concerned about losing weight, there are also people who are looking for ways to gain weight naturally and in a healthy way. Healthy weight gain may help increase energy levels and endurance. It may also help you build muscle and strength. For some people, healthy weight gain may help make them look more attractive. There are certain foods that you can eat to gain weight in a healthy and natural way without building up excess body fat.

When choosing foods for weight gain, avoid eating high-fat and high-sugar foods. Using this type of food to gain weight can lead to increased blood cholesterol. High cholesterol levels have been known to lead to heart disease. Using weight gain supplements as food to gain weight is also not a good idea because such supplements do not build muscle. They also tend to be very expensive.

\"gain Weight\"

The best way to gain weight is to eat foods that promote a healthy diet and to also engage in regular strength training to build muscle. Most health professionals recommend that you aim to gain about one pound each week. Slow weight gain is recommended in order to avoid too much body fat. Another point to remember is that the amount of weight you gain will depend on your calorie intake. If being thin runs in your family, you may find it harder to gain weight. Make fats, carbohydrates and protein an important part of your weight gain diet. Fats provide the energy and the vitamins that you need while carbohydrates are the main source of energy that your body needs during exercise. The best sources of carbohydrates are whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Proteins are important for building and repairing muscle, producing hormones, replacing blood cells and boosting your immune system.

Foods to Gain Weight and Build Muscle

Some healthy foods that are higher in calories include bread, cereals, fruits, starchy vegetables, meats, beans and legumes.

1. Foods to gain weight - Cereals

Add whole grain cereals to your diet. Whole grains are a very good source of fiber and nutrients. The USDA recommends that you regularly eat between six and eleven servings of foods from the bread and cereal group.

2. Foods to gain weight - Fruits

Bananas, pineapple, mangos, raisins, dates, watermelon, grapefruit, apples, and peaches. Note that dried fruit have more calories per serving than fresh watery fruits, so use dried fruits or fruit juices as snacks.

3. Foods to gain weight - Vegetables

Eat starchy vegetables more often. Corn, carrots, peas, green beans, broccoli, summer squash.

4. Foods to gain weight - Beans and legumes

Lentils, lima beans, chili beans, bean burritos. These are a good source of carbohydrates and protein.

5. Foods to gain weight - Meats

Chicken, beef andlamb are excellent sources of protein. For red meats, choose leaner cuts. Fish is also an excellent source of protein.

Foods to gain weight - Variety is Key

For a healthy weight gain diet, eat a variety of foods and make sure that you eat regularly. This should be in addition to an exercise program that includes strength training. Consult a dietician or nutritionist who will be able to tell you how many servings you need from each food group. If you are recovering from an illness speak to your doctor about your daily calorie need. To gain weight, you need to start consuming more calories than you're currently taking.

Foods to Gain Weight and Build Muscle

Click Here [] to find out more about Weight Gain and what you need to eat and do to gain weight the natural way without supplements or drugs: []. Visit the main site to subscribe to our Health Tips [] newsletter. Copyright © 2007 Katie Johnson.

How to Gain Weight For Women - How to Go From Skinny to Curvy and Put on Weight Fast

To a society that seems obsessed with LOSING weight, it may seem strange when you ask how you can GAIN weight. Ask anyone how to lose weight and they'll run off a huge list diets, contraptions, clubs and gizmos that everyone seems to have tried, but without much success. However, ask people how skinny girls can put on weight, and you'll no doubt get a blank expression or worse, a sarcastic and questioning answer like "why do you want to put on weight? I wish I had your 'problem'!"

Well, to the hardgainer like you and me this IS a real problem, as being skinny affects our confidence, health and self-esteem. But every problem has a solution, and so today I'm gonna give you 5 tips that skinny girls are using to solve the problem of how to gain weight for women.

\"gain Weight\"

You ready?...let's go!

How to Gain Weight For Women - How to Go From Skinny to Curvy and Put on Weight Fast

How To Gain Weight For Women Tip 1 - Put On Some Muscle

Packing on a few pounds of muscle is the surest and healthiest way for women to put on weight and accentuate their natural sexy curves. Muscle weighs more than fat so it makes sense to put on muscle weight rather than fat, plus you get to decide where the muscles grow (I say this because people put fat on in different places depending on their body me, it'll always end up where you least want it - typically on a woman this is around her butt and waist)

Don't be afraid of building muscle by weight training - you won't get huge like Arnie or fact a woman's body simply doesn't produce enough testosterone to get big.

Make a weight training routine part of your workouts at the gym and you'll put on weight quickly and in the places that you want.

How To Gain Weight For Women Tip 2 - Reduce Your Cardio Exercises

Cardio is a staple part of most womens workouts and is always recommended in most magazines, but if you're looking for how to gain weight, then cardio will actually be making your life more difficult, as it is simply burning more fat and calories and leaving nothing for your body to store.

If you're looking to gain weight, sort out a workout routine that focuses more on mass building exercises like weights and less on cardio.

How To Gain Weight For Women Tip 3 - Sleep More

And you thought this weight gain for women thing was all gonna be hard work? This is the easy bit, and the most often overlooked.

When we sleep our bodies produce natural growth hormones which help repair our muscles and enable to gain weight and muscle mass. The highest secretions of these hormones are during deep sleep, and so it is important to get a good night's rest when thinking about how to gain weight for women. Around 8 hours is ideal. Try to eliminate as much stress from your daily life as possible as this can affect your sleep and cause to lose more weight rather than gain it.

How To Gain Weight For Women Tip 4 - Eat More

In addition to starting a weight training program you should be eating a lot more. Muscle mass and weight are gained by consuming more calories than we burn off, so you should consume an extra 500-1000 calories per day compared to the average woman (avg. is around 2000, so you should try to get about 2,500-3000 per day).

Split this over 6 smaller meals per day and focus on your proteins - which are the building blocks of muscle.

How To Gain Weight For Women Tip 5 - Use Protein Powders And Shakes

To build muscle and gain weight you'll need to focus on your proteins - around 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight (i.e. if you weigh 150 pounds then you should be consuming around 150 grams of protein per day).

The best way to consume these proteins is in the form of natural foods like lean meats, fish, beans and pulses, eggs and milk. However, this can be difficult in today's busy lifestyles, so think about incorporating a protein shake into your daily meal plans. One serving of a protein shake can provide you with as much as 50-60 grams of protein in one shot, so it's extremely convenient.

How to Gain Weight For Women - How to Go From Skinny to Curvy and Put on Weight Fast

Read more about protein powders for women at my website ==> Protein Powder For Women

Discover the secrets of how a frail ex-runway model packed on 10 pounds of strong muscle in 3 months becoming a top fitness model in the process ==> How To Gain Weight For Women

How to Gain Weight For Women - 3 Things Skinny Girls Need to Know to Gain Weight

If you're a skinny girl and looking for information on how to gain weight for women then you're no doubt sick and tired of the media's constant barrage of TV programs and dieting gurus telling folks how to LOSE weight, but virtual neglect of what a person can actually do to put on weight.

What's worse is that I'm sure some folks even probably give you a jealous look when you say that no matter how hard you try and how much you eat you just can't seem to put on a few extra pounds. Most people just don't understand how frustrating it can be to want to gain weight and feeling like you can't.

\"gain Weight\"

Don't worry though, the good news is that there are steps that you can take when thinking about how to gain weight for women...and, believe it or not, you can take a lesson from the how the boys do it on this one.

How to Gain Weight For Women - 3 Things Skinny Girls Need to Know to Gain Weight

The 2 Different Meanings Of "Weight"

When a woman says she wants to gain weight she doesn't really want to gain FAT, but she is often frightened of gaining muscle - and will often say "I don't want to be a bodybuilder or anything".

Unfortunately, there are only two ways to gain weight - in fat or muscle. And the problem with gaining fat is that it often distributes itself unevenly on your body, with little regard to where YOU want it.

Building muscle and making some weight training a part of your weekly workouts is the single best way of how to gain weight for women without getting fat. There's no need to frightened of won't end up as a bodybuilder - in fact women's bodies simply don't produce enough testosterone to become really muscular.

Also, muscle mass weighs more than fat, so a little extra muscle can make a huge difference in your overall weight.

Avoid The Same Old Cardio Exercises

These are used to burn fat and LOSE weight, not gain it. As mentioned above, the best thing you can do is to add some weights into your routine and starting working past your comfort zone. That is the only way to gain muscle mass, and thus extra weight.

Loads of repetitions and many sets on light weights won't cut it either - that is better used for toning, and muscular endurance. You need continually increasing resistance to force the muscles to grow, so limit your repetitions to between 4-8 per set, and a total of around 8-10 sets per workout TOTAL (that's including all your exercises).

Eat More To Gain Weight

Consume more calories around 500-1000 more per day and have 6 smaller meals spread over the whole day - this will keep your metabolism consistent and keep a constant supply of energy feeding your muscles.

Increase your protein intake to around 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight (so if you weigh 150 pounds then you'll need at least 150 grams of protein per day).

Try adding protein powders to your daily diet and use them as one of your meals in the form of a shake with an added banana, strawberries, or other fruits.

How to Gain Weight For Women - 3 Things Skinny Girls Need to Know to Gain Weight

There are some great protein powders on the market, like 100% Whey, and others specially tailored to a woman's nutritional requirements. Go to my site for more info on protein powders for women

Discover the secrets of how a frail ex-runway model packed on 10 pounds of strong muscle in 3 months becoming a top fitness model in the process ==> How To Gain Weight For Women

How to Gain Weight Fast, the Healthy Way

Some people are simply born with fast metabolism which prevents them from gaining weight. If you keep asking around how to gain weight fast, you need only prevent the calories that you consume from evaporating as heat and manipulate your metabolism. Heat dissipation, as known by many, contributes to weight loss. This can be done by bringing your metabolism down to a lower level.

You can't discuss losing weight without touching on the topic of metabolism. Anabolism and catabolism are two processes involved in metabolism. While catabolism refers to weight loss, anabolism is responsible for weight gain. By forcing the anabolic process, the body gains muscles, testosterone levels are increased, and proteins are better digested. Consequently, protein catabolism is lowered and the catabolic process is suppressed.

\"Gain Weight Fast\"

The best way to gain weight fast is by manipulating the catabolic process. When your catabolic process is suppressed, anabolic hormones increase while catabolic hormones decrease, and the calories you consume are preserved. The calories are forced into protein synthesis, allowing the proteins to be made in the body.

How to Gain Weight Fast, the Healthy Way

To be able to gain weight fast, you need to create energy deficits in the body and recover from it. How do you create energy deficit exactly? Exercise is the best way to create a big energy deficit which will in turn invite the body to respond. Choose an intense short workouts such as compound movements. The objective of the exercise is to involve the movement of the muscle groups that will help build the body. Weight training, deadlifts, squats, and bench press are great examples of compound movements. Deadlifts are proven to be the most effective compound movement for the body as almost every muscle is hit during this exercise.

Of course, eating is a sure-fire way to gain weight. A healthy weight gain diet right after the exercises should help you gain weight fast. Because a big energy deficit is created after exercise, the body is ready and prepared for weight gain. Calories should be supplied in the body which are forced into weight. This is done by strategically planning what foods to eat and what to avoid. Foods with high amount of carbohydrates and protein should be consumed to support the compound movement exercises.

To gain a great amount of muscles, you should practice reverse metabolism that can efficiently help you gain weight in as fast as three months. You need to develop a systematic way of continually creating energy deficits in your body. The muscles should be worked in a proper way where each of the three elements of muscle liquid and each of all three types of fibers are worked on differently.

Finally, strategic deconditioning should be observed when huge energy deficits in your body have been created. Deconditioning is a planned period of inactivity that aims to achieve a physiological result in the end. After each rigorous workout or after a strength training cycle, it is recommended to have a structured downtime period to effectively gain muscles and ultimately gain weight.

How to Gain Weight Fast, the Healthy Way

Life shouldn't be too hard when learning how to gain weight fast.

Why High Reps Are Better For Gaining Weight Fast

Most bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts trying to gain weight fast are always told that in order to gain muscle mass they should stick to heavy weights for low reps.

This weight training myth stems from many believing that "heavy weights for low reps" are for "size", and that "light weights for high reps" are for "endurance".

\"Gain Weight Fast\"

Well, nothing could be further from the truth.

Why High Reps Are Better For Gaining Weight Fast

As a matter of fact, if gaining muscle weight is a challenge for you, heavy sets with low reps could be a huge mistake.

Why do I say this?

Well, the European Journal of Applied Physiology posted some research done on how different gene-types in the body responds to different workout routines, based on sets, weight, and reps.

What they discovered was significant.

First off, there are basically two different kinds of gene make-ups for every individual:



In one of the studies conducted, scientists took 99 weight trainers and placed them on two types of workout routines:

o One workout program was made up of multiple sets for high reps and lighter weight (reps were in the 12-15 per set).

o The other workout routine was made up of multiple sets for low reps with heavier weight (reps were in the 8-12 per set).

What they found was that the weight trainers that had a harder time gaining weight and muscle had predominantly ACE II genes.

These individuals responded great to the higher reps for lighter weight program.

Yet, when following the lower reps for heavier weight routine, they made no progress at all in terms of building muscle mass.

Sure, they may have gotten stronger, but we're focusing on gaining muscle weight and size, not strength.

(No, size and strength don't go hand in hand, as many would have you believe. Which is a huge reason why most natural bodybuilders / fitness enthusiasts never truly achieve their goals. They get stronger, but not bigger. Is this the case with you??)

One of the reasons for why higher rep training is much better for those that are predominantly ACE II is because they have greater tissue oxygenation, which can elevate contracting of the heart and skeletal tissue.

More reasons why higher reps are better than lower rep for heavy weights to gain weight fast:

o The high volume of blood forced through the veins and arteries while working out with high reps will carry with it important muscle building nutrients to feed the training muscles.

o High rep training enhances capillary density (the thickness of the capillaries within the muscle).

o High rep training increases the diameter (size) of the blood vessels within the muscle.

o High rep training stimulates the formation of new blood vessels.

.....all of which are responsible for making your muscles bigger in size and mass.

(Hey, isn't that what you're after in the first place????)

Leave the heavy weights for low reps to the powerlifters.

Why High Reps Are Better For Gaining Weight Fast

To read more proof on why most of what is recommended to gain weight fast is the wrong way, check out Jonathan Perez's workout site at

How to Gain 20 Pounds of Muscle in 2 Months

Trying to figure out how to gain 20 pounds of muscle in 2 months? It's easier said than done, but definitely possible and in this article I'm going to show you how with three helpful tips.

1 - Calories. You are going to need an extraordinary amount of calories. 3500 calories equals one pound of muscle, so if you eat 500 extra calories a day, you will gain one pound per week. To gain 20 pounds in 2 months, you would need to eat 1250 more calories per day than you burn. If you don't know exactly how much to eat, a good rule of thumb is to eat 20-25 times your bodyweight in calories per day.

\"Gain Weight Fast\"

2 - Weight Training. Do gain the most amount of muscle possible, you will need to exercise the most amount of muscle fibers. This can be accomplished with compound and full body exercises. These exercises use the most amount of muscle fibers because they incorporate the whole body. Examples of compound exercises are deadlifts, squats, cleans and bench press.

How to Gain 20 Pounds of Muscle in 2 Months

Eliminate isolation exercises from your workout routine and replace them with compound exercises. Also, you must lift heavy. Lifting heavy makes your body produce more testosterone, which is a key chemical for building muscle. Do no more than 5-7 reps per set.

3 - Rest and Recovery. Lots of sleep is necessary to gain muscle. Most of your muscle building will be done while you are sleeping, so getting at least 8 hours of sleep is a MUST if you want to gain some serious muscle. Also, make sure to warm-up using cardio and warm-up sets before your workout, this will get your muscles ready for doing heavy weight. Do at least 5 minutes of cardio after your workout to reduce muscle soreness.

These are the three pillars of gaining muscle fast. It is possible to gain a lot of muscle using just these tips, but there are several more techniques you can use.

How to Gain 20 Pounds of Muscle in 2 Months

Click to learn more techniques about how to Gain 20 Pounds of Muscle in two months. Troy Foss is quickly becoming recognized as one of the leaders in teaching the average guy how to build muscle. He manages a blog that gives tips on how to gain huge amounts of muscle in a short amount of time, while at the same time letting you see his journey to a muscular body. You can visit his blog by clicking Here!

How To Gain Weight Fast For Men - Answering The Gain Weight Questions So Many Want To Know

How to gain weight fast for men is really not as difficult of a problem as it is made out to be. Being a hard gainer is not a lot of fun by any means and usually leads to a good amount of being made fun of by those who aren't skinny at a young age. This can take quite the toll on a persons confidence and often times leads people to think that they are in some way inferior to those who don't have to ask the question "how do you gain weight".

As time goes on, it becomes more and more of a "quest" so to speak to learn how to gain weight fastest for men. The constant being made fun of has forced a person to take action and find some way, any way, to put on some pounds. This usually leads to a never ending journey of struggle and disappointment unfortunately.

\"Gain Weight Fast\"

There are quite a few books out there that claim to tell you the best what to learn how to gain weight fast for men, but there is a very big problem with almost every one of them. Just look at the people on the cover of these programs and it's pretty obvious that they have never in their life had to deal with being skinny. The workout plan that is inside of these books very well may say they can show you how to gain weight quick, but you have to realize they are made for people who are NOT skinny!

How To Gain Weight Fast For Men - Answering The Gain Weight Questions So Many Want To Know

This is where marketing comes into play and it really annoys me to an extent. People are actually struggling to put on a few pounds just so they can feel a bit better about the way they look and they think that if they buy a magazine with some big muscle head on the cover they can get the same results. Not going to happen.

Here's the reality and the truth. If you want to learn how to gain weight fastest for men, then you need to follow the path forged by someone who has been there before. This means you need to follow a plan that was created by someone who was just as skinny as you are that has figured out how to have the success you are looking for.

This is something that really isn't talked about much because it's not as "glamorous" as some of the fancy magazine covers we all see in stores. People seem to think that if it's in a magazine that it must work right? Wrong!

No matter what you do, if you want to have success, you need to do what someone who was in your position right now did. They know what you are going through because they have been there before and they also know what it takes to come out the other side with the results you want. It's called being trained by someone with experience with your situation and it's something that many people tend to over look.

Figuring out how to gain weight fast for guys really isn't that hard. What's hard is making them understand that it's not the huge guy on the magazine that is going to get you there. It's the guy who shows you how skinny they once were and how well they look now. Most of those guys on the magazine covers can't do that because they've never been there.

Once you are on the right track by following a proper workout program as well as proper diet, you will be amazed at just how much faster the results will come for you. Putting in the effort is really the hard part at that point once you have to program picked out. But if you chose a program that is not tailored to someone like yourself, then it really doesn't matter what kind of effort you put in. To put it simply, you will be doing nothing but spinning your wheels if you don't take the program selection serious.

Hundreds of people have started seeing the results they were looking for once they added the vital piece of the puzzle a proper workout program is.

How To Gain Weight Fast For Men - Answering The Gain Weight Questions So Many Want To Know

Here's the thing, you don't have to continue to be skinny! You can end the name calling and build confidence in the way you look just by doing what someone in your shoes has already done.

You can learn more on how to gain weight fast for men and high calorie foods to gain weight at our blog.

Mass Building Tips - 10 Extremely Effective Tactics For Skinny People Who Want to Gain Weight

You can't argue the fact that when it comes to the subject of fitness or diet, there are gazillions of information that caters mostly for people who wish to lose weight. Now what about skinny people looking to gain weight? Although being overweight can be a real pain, having a skinny, high-metabolism body is not a very pleasant experience either. As a once chronic hardgainer, I can't begin to tell you how painful it was to be constantly disparaged with terms like "the skinny guy", "twiggy", "sticks" ,"bony", "Mr. Anorexic"', and too many irritating and hurtful ones to list.

Being frequently belittled is just one of the many problems faced by those with extremely lanky frame. Skinny people are also susceptible to many health problems, prone to bouts of flu, usually perceived as weak and unattractive, low self-esteem, and much, much more. I'm sure there are many skinny, lanky guys out there who are dying to gain a little bit of weight, along with some muscle mass to become more appealing to the opposite gender or simply to increase self-confidence in general.

\"Gain Weight Fast\"

Genetics is the major reason why a lot of hardgainers find themselves in a bind when it comes to putting on weight. We skinny people have extremely high metabolism hence we don't put on weight as effectively as those who are blessed with normal metabolic rate. Although genetics may not work in your favor as far as gaining weight is concerned, there are proven means to help you solve the problem. All it takes are the right knowledge coupled with a little hard work.

Mass Building Tips - 10 Extremely Effective Tactics For Skinny People Who Want to Gain Weight

Always keep in mind that adding slabs of mass onto your thin frame is absolutely possible no matter how lousy your genetics may be. The following are ten very effective mass building tips for skinny people who want to gain weight and increase muscle size:

1. Eat a lot - I know this may sound obvious but the cold hard fact is that most hard gainers fail to consume adequate amount of calories to increase their weight. Remember that you have a higher metabolic rate than the average person therefore your caloric intake must be significantly higher as well. In order to gain weight and build muscle mass, you must consume more calories than you burn.

2. Consume high protein foods - You may have trouble gaining weight and all, but that still doesn't accord you the license to indulgence on all kinds of junk foods, unless you're in hurry to become overweight. Junk foods are mostly made up of empty calories, totally void of nutrients, and therefore, will not help you add pounds of healthy muscle mass to your body. Eating protein rich foods on a daily basis are an absolute must if you wish to put on "muscle weight". Protein is the cornerstone for optimal muscle development. Without this nutrient, your body will not be able to build and repair damaged muscle tissues, sustained during intense heavy workout. Foods with high protein content include poultry, fish, beef, whole eggs, milk, cottage cheese, tofu, and the mighty whey.

3. Eat slow-digestion meals before bedtime - Most people would regard the notion of eating before bedtime as a sure-fire way to add excess bodyfat, but for skinny people who want to gain weight, the importance of eating slow-digestion meals prior to dozing off cannot be stressed enough. The key to avoid adding unwanted bodyfat is to choose proper foods such as milk, oatmeal, and flaxseed oil to drip feed your muscles with the necessary nutrients when you're fast sleep.

4. Concentrate on free weight compound exercises - Place more emphasis on free weight compound movements like presses, deadlifts, squats, rows, chin-ups, and dips. They are proven to recruit more muscle fibers leading to massive gain in size and bodyweight.

5. Train heavy - Focus on training with heavy weights, otherwise you won't grow. How heavy? Well, if you're able to bang out 8 to 12 reps that mean the weights are not heavy enough.

6. Don't neglect your legs - Pay attention to the muscle groups in your legs as well. Train them just as hard as you would train the rest of your bodyparts. A pair of muscular legs will contribute greatly to the overall development of your physique.

7. Avoid cardio - Since you're a skinny hardgainer aiming to increase mass and weight, cardio is totally unnecessary. Perform cardio after you have successfully gained the weight that you wish for.

8. Spend Less Time in the Gym - Overtraining may greatly hinder your progress and lead to burnout or worse, muscle injuries. You're not a pro-bodybuilder so keep the length of your workout to not more than 1 hour and stick to 3 sessions per week for good results.

9. Consider the appropriate supplementation - Supplements are not an absolute must of course, but they do however, make your life easier and certainly allow you to accomplish your goals faster. Proven weight gain and muscle building supplements that you should consider are creatine, meal replacement powder, and basic whey protein.

10. Seek instructions from proven muscle building programs - By and large, the most essential part of the one's muscle building plan. A good muscle building program with strong support modules can mean the difference between success and failure as it consist of proven mass building tips, motivation tactics, exercises, and diet for people who want to gain weight which are compiled in an organized, streamlined training system. One program played a major role in changing my physique in less than 2 months!

Mass Building Tips - 10 Extremely Effective Tactics For Skinny People Who Want to Gain Weight

Any skinny hardgainers can get results fast especially with the aid of quality, no-fluff, step by step muscle building system. No more confusion about building muscles. Visit muscle building success to learn valuable mass building tips and the system that has helped thousands of skinny people who want to gain weight and build muscles.

Leg Exercises For Women Who Want Sexy, Thin Legs That Look Great in Dresses

Here are some great leg exercise for women that are looking for sexy, thin legs. If you want to avoid gyms, then read this article so you can learn how to get feminine legs in minimal time.

Leg Exercises for Women

\"Gain Weight Fast\"

1. Wall Squats

Leg Exercises For Women Who Want Sexy, Thin Legs That Look Great in Dresses

These effectively replace doing squats with weights at a gym. They are actually better for your legs if you're not looking to build muscle, but instead looking to shape your thigh muscles and slim your legs.

Find a wall. Lean your back straight against it so it's flat against the wall. Move your feet out from the wall about 18 inches. Then, depending on which part of your thighs you want to work (inner or outter), you will place your feet either 12 inches apart or 30 inches apart.

If you want to work your inner thighs, put your feet 30 inches apart. If you want to work your outter thighs, put your feet about 12 inches apart.

Then all you do is squat down so that your upper thighs are BELOW parallel to the ground. Don't cheat this movement. For the best results, you need to go down deep into the squat. Not only is that better for your legs, but it's better for your butt and it's actually safer for your knees.

Do 4 sets of at least 10 reps every few days.

2. Walk up and down stairs

If you live in a 1 story house, then this may be a problem. But if you live in a 2 story house or whatever, then just walk up and down the stairs for 10 minutes non-stop.

Yeah, this is probably unbelievably boring for most people, but do it anyway. I give you permission to skip going to the gym each day you do this. The key is you do this non-stop... 10 minute straight. Do this 5 times a week and you'll notice results in less than 12 days.

These are 2 great leg exercises for women that can be done easily and quickly... and get you the results you want... FAST.

Leg Exercises For Women Who Want Sexy, Thin Legs That Look Great in Dresses

If you're SICK and TIRED of getting the same old boring weight loss advice... you know, like "Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 8 glasses of water, jog, and blah blah blah", then...

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Jennifer Jolan

How To Gain Weight Fast For Girls - 3 Tips For A Curvy Hourglass Figure

If you're anything like me you must be sick and tired of people banging on with advice on how to lose weight, but very little help for folks who want to gain weight.

This is especially true for skinny women, who are often told they should "count their blessings" because they "won't always be slim"...

\"Gain Weight Fast\"

However for skinny girls who are looking to gain weight fast there are a few actionable things that you need to do in order to beat your metabolism and put on some sexy, curvy weight without getting fat in the process.

How To Gain Weight Fast For Girls - 3 Tips For A Curvy Hourglass Figure

Don't Be Frightened Of Lifting Heavier Weights

A big mistake that a lot of women make when trying to gain weight fast is lifting weights that are too light.

This is often done because of a mistaken idea that lighter weights will help them tone where as heavier weights will make them big and muscle-bound.

Don't fear the heavier weights...if you want to gain weight fast then you'll need to push your body otherwise it simply won't develop muscle.

And don't worry, women don't have the testosterone levels that are required to build big muscles quickly...those big female bodybuilders that you see are created by a combination of extreme training and drugs and hormone supplements.

That's not to say that you should always lift heavy...mix up some lighter weights to get a better overall workout.

Use Compound Exercises

Another big mistake ladies make when wondering how to gain weight fast is spending most of their time performing isolation exercises that only work one muscle group at a time, such as bicep curls, leg extensions and lateral raises.

Adding some muscle mass to get a curvy hourglass figure is best achieved through compound exercises which work multiple muscle groups in the same exercise. Examples are squats, bench press, deadlifts, and bent-over-rows.

Compound exercises will help you to build muscle and gain weight faster, achieve a better overall body shape and development, and help you to minimize the time you spend at the gym, making your sessions more efficient and effective.

Don't Be Scared Of Eating More

A girls success in gaining weight fast is largely dependent on her nutrition and diet plan...and for this reason many women fall short on achieving a better body as they fear taking on a large amount of calories, thinking that it will only make them fat.

However, this will only happen if you are taking on a huge number of calories and creating a caloric surplus.

Remember that your metabolism is working pretty fast resulting in you having a caloric deficit (i.e. ability to lose weight very easily). You need to counteract this by increasing your calorie intake which will help to develop your muscle tissue and gain weight.

Without the necessary calories your muscles can not source the protein and nutrition that they require to grow. This will only lead to frustration and a continued struggle to gain weight.

How To Gain Weight Fast For Girls - 3 Tips For A Curvy Hourglass Figure

By following these tips on how to gain weight for girls you'll be able to beat your metabolism and skinny genetics and develop a hot curvy female figure.

To find out about other former skinny girls who have transformed their bodies, go here Gain Muscle For Women

Gain Muscle in 2 Months

Here's the formula to gain muscle in the shortest time possible, with the best muscle gains imaginable. You could be two months away from a new muscular body. Here's how to do it:

1. Plan. Set aside 2 months where you commit to doing what it takes to gain muscle. This is actually the most important step because once you lock yourself into a commitment, and plan it out, then you get psyched up and will do what it takes to follow through. If you can just imagine looking more muscular at the end of only 2 short months, this will motivate you to go for it, and the results will be the best possible due to your mental preparation, and visualization of how you want to look.

\"Gain Weight Fast\"

2. Lift heavy, hard, and smart. When you begin your weightlifting program, you should first start out light for a few weeks if you haven't lifted before. Then you're going to have to turn up the intensity by training to failure on all your exercises. Lift smart, don't go over your limit, and make sure your form is good. Get on a good weightlifting program which is designed to put on muscle fast, by performing the most effective exercises. There are some incredibly effective 8-12 week workout programs, one of my favorites I will list below.

Gain Muscle in 2 Months

3. Eat! In order for your muscles to grow, you have to feed them constantly. This means some big protein meals at the dinner table. Breakfast and lunch should be big protein meals as well, and, you're going to have to throw down some protein snacks throughout the day as well! Hey, gaining major muscle in only 2 months is definitely possible, but it is only going to happen by putting the food down and thus making your body bigger and more muscular.

Remember, it's a 2 month muscle building project, and if you really want it, you'll do what it takes to get there: Planning, lifting, and eating. There are excellent muscle building programs out there that can lay everything out for you: the best weightlifting exercises to perform, and the exact meals to eat.

Gain Muscle in 2 Months

Here is an excellent muscle building program that will make you muscular in a very short time -

This muscle building program is the best shortcut towards major muscular results in only a few months. Check it out at

I'm too Skinny - How to Gain Weight and Muscle

It always comes as a surprise when you hear someone say that they are too skinny or they need to gain some weight, but in fact there are quite a few persons who fall into that category. Even if you are genetically predisposed to being skinny, you can improve your physical appearance by weight and strength training to build bulk and eating appropriately.

There are steps to gaining weight and skipping one or the other will make it more difficult to move from being skinny to your desired weight and size. Some of the recommended steps in gaining weight are:

\"Gain Weight Fast\"

Lifting weight
Counting calories
Strength training
Drinking water

I'm too Skinny - How to Gain Weight and Muscle

How to Build Muscles

The best way to increase size is to bulk up or to build muscles; you could eat all the wrong things and put on weight but that would be the wrong type of bulk: fat. Muscles on the other hand improve strength and tone the body. To ensure that you are not overtraining any one group of muscles it is good to have a weight lifting program, this will split your routine into various days. For example, if you decide to train for only four days per week, you would do this:

Monday: Legs and shoulders
Tuesday: Biceps and triceps
Wednesday: No gym
Thursday: Abs
Friday: Chest and back

Even though you may be skinny and trying to gain weight you shouldn't overwork your muscles. It is a good idea to give muscles at lest a forty-eight hour recovery time between exercises. It is not how long you work the muscles that build bulk, it is how hard. Always get expert advice when you are just starting an exercise program.

Bodybuilding Drinks

Body builders tend to drink lots of protein drinks and supplements. Some of this is hype, but not all. Ask questions from nutritionists or professional trainers to find the type of drink that will help you gain weight in a healthy way. Most of these drinks are high in protein and carbohydrates which aid in growing muscles and restoring energy.

How to gain weight healthily

To gain weight in a healthy way, that is, to no longer be skinny, but thin and healthy you have to maintain a proper diet. This means increasing your calorie intake, but it is important that you stay away from 'bad' fats. You must however take in more calories than you are burning by exercising and from daily activities. One of the reasons why bodybuilding shakes help with weight gain is the amount of protein they contain in addition to complex carbohydrates. Increase your meals to about five to six small portions per day. This is the main way to increase your calorie intake in a natural, healthy routine.

Being consistent is necessary, and for you to see results you must be willing to keep working at building muscles and gaining weight. Lastly, no matter how skinny you are, you also need to include cardio exercises in your routine. Rest, and plenty of it, is also important, especially for allowing tired muscles to recover and regenerate.

I'm too Skinny - How to Gain Weight and Muscle

Gareth runs a fitness and nutritional information site packed full with interesting articles about fitness, health, diet advice, muscle building for both men and women.

Visit us at :

How to Gain Weight With a Fast Metabolism - 3 Tips to Gain Weight Fast

It can be very frustrating to feel like no matter what you eat and how much of it you eat, you still can't seem to gain weight with a fast metabolism. While most people say they would love to be in your shoes, the reality is that it is equally annoying to feel like you would look better with a few extra pounds of toned muscle, as it is for an overweight person to say they would like to lose a few pounds.

The secret of how to gain weight with a fast metabolism is actually very simple:

\"Gain Weight Fast\"

Eat more calories than you burn.

How to Gain Weight With a Fast Metabolism - 3 Tips to Gain Weight Fast

Easier said than done, right? I mean, how many more calories should you be consuming? Also, can you really eat any more than you already are?

Here I'll show you what you can do to put on weight quickly.

Eat More Calories

Eating more calories is the single biggest thing you can do to put on weight with a high metabolism. An average caloric intake is around 2,000 a day for women and 2,500 for men. However, to gain weight with a fast metabolism you're probably going to need to be consuming around 3,000 to 3,500 calories per day.

Note that these are quality calories through a balanced healthy diet and not 3,500 calories of Doritos and Double Whoppers with Cheese - that will just make you ill and won't help you to build muscle.

Focus on high protein intake for muscle growth and carbohydrates for your energy levels.

Eat More Often

Now, fitting the extra 1,000 calories into your daily diet may seem difficult if you're sticking with the usual 3 meals a day. So you're going to need to eat 6 smaller meals per day in order to gain weight with a high metabolic rate.

3 meals per day is a major reason why many hardgainers fail to gain weight - in other words they simply don't keep up with their metabolism. 6 meals per day ensures that your body is constantly burning calories from food that has been consumed and not finding it in your body fat and muscle tissue.

Think about it, with 3 meals a day, if you skip one, suddenly you're only consuming 2 meals with a huge gap in between, and forcing yourself to binge. This is no good to gain weight with a fast metabolism. 6 meals per day helps you to avoid this problem.

Note: when I say "meals", it could be a snack such as a sandwich, banana, other fruits, or a protein shake etc. It doesn't have to be a full blown dinner.

Weight Train To Gain Muscle Mass

Weight training is a great method of how to gain weight with a fast metabolism and will ensure that the extra calories that you are consuming are used to build strong muscle and not just stored as fat.

Sticking to a hardgainer routine of the "big basic" exercises for 45 minutes-1 hour 3 times per week is the best way to gain weight and muscle mass.

A sample routine for a hardgainer to gain weight with a fast metabolism is the following:

Squats 1-3 sets of 8-12 reps
Bench Press 1-3 sets of 8-12 reps
Bent Over Rows 1-3 sets of 8-12 reps
Bicep Curls 1-3 sets of 8-12 reps
Lying Tricep Extensions 1-3 sets of 8-12 reps
Calf Raise 1-3 sets of 8-12 reps

How to Gain Weight With a Fast Metabolism - 3 Tips to Gain Weight Fast

Finding the right hardgainer workout is imperative if you want to build muscle and gain weight with a fast metabolism. See how "Skinny Vinny" overcame his horrible genes and packed on over 41 pounds of rock hard muscle in 6 months ==> How To Gain Weight With A Fast Metabolism