What to Eat to Gain Weight - What Foods to Eat to Gain Weight the Healthy Way

What foods to eat to gain weight has a lot to do with your general eating habits and the variety of foods that you consume for the purpose of gaining pounds. If you are skinny or just a thin person that is looking for a way to put on some extra pounds, Then you have come to the right place. When it comes to gaining pounds, It's all about your eating habits and exercising too. The reason why I mention exercise is because you want to balance your weight gain by make sure is mostly muscle rather than just getting fat. You don't want to be fat or chubby, You want to be lean with some muscle or in other words be in shape. Lets be quite honest here, No one wants to be fat or skinny either. People may want to lose weight to be slim but they don't want to be too skinny. People also want to gain weight not to be fat but to be either bulk with muscles or average built but in shape. Here are some tips on what to eat to gain weight.

What To Eat To Gain Weight

\"Gain Weight Fast\"

In order to gain some pounds the healthy way, You want to make sure that you don't end up just eating anything. Skinny or thin people can have cholesterol problems too. So you want to make sure that your adventure to gain pounds does not make you have high cholesterol. Also some foods can increase the risks of cancer, stroke and heart diseases. Therefore you need to be more careful here. Here is what to eat and the eating habits recommended for individuals looking to gain pounds:

What to Eat to Gain Weight - What Foods to Eat to Gain Weight the Healthy Way

  •  As always eat a well and healthy balanced diet. Balance your proteins, Carbohydrates and vitamins. Consume the healthy right types of fats like peanuts, Olive oil, Cholesterol free oils, almonds and other similar unsaturated kind of fats
  • Even if you are trying to gain pounds you will need to avoid too much fat. Too much fat can lead to health problems such as high cholesterol. Remember that you don't have to be obese in order to have high cholesterol. This same thing applies to sugary foods and salty foods. You want to limit these kinds of foods even if you are trying to gain pounds
  • Instead of drinking water, Drink juices because the have calories. To make sure that you eat large amounts of portions, Make sure you drink beverages after a meal or a few hours before a major meal. Drink a variety of juices like strawberry juices, apple juice, e.t.c.
  • Examples of good alternative for fat foods include fish like salmon, Avocados from the local grocery stores, Olives and and unprocessed nuts.
  • Before you go to sleep at night, Eat a small healthy meal or snack such as a home made sand-witch
  • Drink milk shakes, Fruit smoothies, low fat dairy products like low percent milk and also avoid high caffeine drinks like tea and coffee. Too much caffeine can increase your metabolism and make it harder for you to gain weight
  • Eat as much fruits and vegetables as you can. These are the healthy foods that can help you balance your weight gain
  • Choose dense cereals like granola and grape nuts compared to flaked and puffed cereals. When eating your cereals, make sure that you use milk instead of water because you are after gaining pounds. As always, Low fat milk is a good alternative as opposed to whole milk
  • Hearty healthy breads like whole wheat, oat bran and similar breads are healthy compared to white bread
  • Eat small snacks in between meals. Dry cereal, Crackers, fruit snacks and nuts and seeds are some good options here

These are some of the foods that can help you to gain some weight. Packing on pounds in a healthy way will help you to make sure that you reduce the chances of having health issues. Slow healthy weight gain is as good as slow healthy weight loss. Also like I mentioned before, You should focus more on gaining weight that is more muscle than fat. You need a little discipline, consistence and some effort to achieve the results you want. For helpful resources and more information on weight gain visit what to eat to gain weight.

What to Eat to Gain Weight - What Foods to Eat to Gain Weight the Healthy Way

Before you go, I want to stress out on exercising to promote your weight gain the healthy way. When working out, focus on workouts that cannot lead you to losing more weight like resistance training. You are invited to visit [http://www.howtogainweighthealthy.info] for more helpful information on this topic. If you are losing weight and you are not trying to, You may want to consult a doctor. I hope you enjoyed what foods to eat to gain weight article and thanks for listening.